For the past 25 years while at PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, Nordicity, WriteMyPlan and Today’s Great Idea, Glenn has assisted entrepreneurs (start-ups & SMEs), associations and government agencies across Alberta and Canada with creative business planning, realistic economic modelling and deep operational analysis.
Today, in Alberta, Glenn:
- Write and voices “Today’s Great Idea”, an inspirational 300+ episode radio series airing 3x daily on Calgary’s 770 AM CHQR and Edmonton’s 630 CHED. The series encourages would-be entrepreneurs to take action with their innovative Great Ideas
- Crafts winning business plans, provides strategic consulting and helps entrepreneurs and SMEs attract investment and financing through his growing management consultancy WriteMyPlan.com; over 250+ projects have been undertaken to date in Alberta, across a wide variety of industries; and
- Teaches “Building an Effective Business Case” and “Introduction to Business Administration” at Mount Royal University.
Glenn holds an MBA from Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario, and a B.Sc. (Physics) from the University of Toronto.